With Christmas fast approaching, I thought I'd start doing some Christmas related posts. So, here's Christmas Post #1: My Top 10 Christmas Films. Why not start with an easy one?
Christmas is the perfect time to gather round the TV with the family, all in your PJ's eating tons of chocolate, so why not stick on a classic chrimbo film? I can guarantee that I will be watching at least half of these when I return home after my first semester at university in a mere six days time, and I can't wait.
10. The Nightmare Before Christmas

The Nightmare Before Christmas is a 1993 American stop motion musical fantasy film directed by Henry Selick and produced/co-written by Tim Burton, which tells the story of Jack Skellington. A being from "Halloween Town" who opens a portal to "Christmas Town" and decides to celebrate the holiday, with some dastardly and comical consequences. I am a huge Tim Burton fan and love his weird and wonderful films, with this one being no exception.